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Health, Well-Being and Staying Active Resources


Health & Well Being Links

Autism NI Support Resources
A variety of free visual
resources, activities and
games to support children.
There are also additional
resources to support
Coronavirus and Managing
Calm 30 Days of Mindfulness
A resource pack with 30
days worth of breathing
exercises, meditations,
relaxation activities and
music to introduce
mindfulness to children.
CAMHS Resources
Lots of helpful resources
and links to apps,
websites, videos and books
to support mental health
and well-being in
EA High Five Newsletters
The High Five newsletter
is a resource pack for
families and primary aged
pupils in relation to
staying safe physically
but also emotionally and
mentally using the Health
and Social Care Take 5

The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.

Staying Active Links

Cosmic Kids Yoga
A range of videos is
available to watch free
online connecting yoga and
mindfulness for children.
A selection of
story-themed sessions are
also available.
Go Noodle
A great variety of fun,
engaging videos to get
kids moving and short
interactive activities to
support mindfulness in
Irish Football Association
Online resources from the
IFA to support at-home
learning including fitness
challenges, recipes and

Additional Resources

Below you will find some available resources, to view or download.


RISE Resources

Please click the links to view or download the latest RISE Newsletter for parents



Do something December!

A Christmas themed calendar with activities for everyone to join in with.


Addressing Bullying

Please click the links below to download these information leaflets.